Introducing Our New Solder Paste Printers
17 July 2018

DVR is pleased to introduce two new solder paste printers (MPM 100 Printers). The machines have been installed to accommodate the demand for accurate printing of high specification components. Needless-to-say, the key to perfect surface mount placement is down to the quality of the paste applied.

The MPM is flexible, configurable, easy to use and its accuracy is unsurpassed by any other printing platform in its class. The MPM 100 can deliver high performance pasting across a wide range of surface mount devices. DVR liked them so much we have introduced the MPM 100 to both of our high-performance synergy lines. With placement capacity more than 150,000 component placements an hour we need fast and accurate printing to keep pace with our surface mount machines.

If your CEM is unable to deliver the quality and service expected DVR is the answer. To view our facility please arrange an appointment by contacting the sales team. 

We’re ready when you are!

Telephone: 01268530032.